Wednesday, January 17, 2024

An author and a marketer

I'm trying to work out which of, or how many of, the Richard Osman Thursday Murder Club books I've read. 

I am sure I've read book 3, The Bullet That Missed, but it's not in my book journal. That doesn't mean I haven't read it; rather that I'm bad at remembering to write in my journal. I wonder if it's on my tablet - I am especially bad at noting titles I've read on there. But we seem to have been passing secondhand copies around the family so it's more likely to be a hardback. Oh, I could check on my library record.

Yay! It was a library book. 

Speaking of the library, as I was writing this post an email came through from them telling me they have the book I ordered. I MUST STOP ordering/buying books.

* * * * *

We had a swede that wasn't going to get used in Zac's, and I had some parsnips that needed using so I found a new recipe for swede and parsnip (and carrot) soup, with a Moroccan flavour. 

It doesn't look very appealing but the cups we serve it in have lids on so no-one will see it. I added coconut milk because it was too thick and too spicy for our friends, but it will still need thinning a bit more before it's served.

* * * * *
It's pretty cold out - for us at least. I know lots of you are used to seriously cold weather. Some parts of the country are getting snow but we're missing it as usual. A bit that didn't last long - just long enough for the children to get a snow day and to go sledging - would be fab. 

Meanwhile I'm trying to remember how to publish a book. I've done it several times but forget in between so have to learn it afresh each time. It's usually simpler than I think. Currently aiming for a Valentine's Day publication date, giving me time to 'big it up' beforehand - and you know how good I am at that.

My natural inclination is to publish quietly and just leave it there in the hope people might notice it and buy it. That doesn't work I've found. Good authors marketers have to be really boring and repetitive. So prepare to be bored in the coming weeks.

Three hours later
I hate everything about self-publishing especially covers.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nothing happens without marketing, that's true. It's hard to get noticed without it.

Boud said...

It's all about marketing! But your writing is worth the effort.

Ann said...

It's a good thing I'm not an author. I would be horrible at marketing my book.

Chris said...

I agree your soup doesn't look appetizing but I bet it tastes delish. I've never given self publishing a thought so can't help sorry.

Cop Car said...

Again, you added to my education. I find that your "swede" is our "rutabaga". Thank you.

Anvilcloud said...

Swede isn't a word we use here, but I know because Sue's English grandmothers used the word. But I still looked it up to be sure of the meaning.