Friday, January 12, 2024

It all started with . . .

A newsletter.

Last year Elder Son set himself the target of reading more; this year wanting a different challenge he has decided, after much deliberation and many suggestions - some more realistic than others - to aim to write a newsletter a week. He plans to cover his favourite things: food, music and technology. 

During the discussion Daughter recommended, and then forwarded links to, a newsletter from someone called Austin Kleon, author of books including Steal Like an Artist and Show Your Work. I duly signed up and received my first newsletter today. 

In it he recommended the books of Charles Portis, suggesting True Grit would be a good one to begin with. Unable to find it in the library I went to World of Books and found it there, where I also found a couple of discount offers. Buy from 4 from this list and get one free, and Spend £15 and get 10% discount.

Not worth buying one if I could buy four and save money, right?

I chose four but it turned out one of them wasn't on the list so I couldn't get a free one, and the cost of the four was just less than £15 so I couldn't get the discount either. So I had to find another book. But I'm saving money, yes?

It's a bargain: five books for just over £16. I'm very pleased with myself. I also ordered two books from the library.

I finished Three Things about Elsie. I had forgotten the final ending and the twist just before it. Some bits I remembered or worked out. Enjoyed it as much as first time.

I've also just read a book recommended by Polly, Dewey, the world's most famous library cat. It might be a book aimed at children as the writing's quite big, and the story is simple, but lovely. It's a bout a stray kitten the librarian finds who is adopted by the library and the local community, and finally becomes quite famous. According to the author, the librarian who was his 'Mom', Dewey was very intuitive and knew what patrons wanted or needed. He also has his little foibles and ways that make him loveable. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I enjoyed reading "Dewey the Library Cat" many years ago too.

Chris said...

I loved Three Things about Elsie, but don't think I'd like the cat book, but I'll check if my library has a copy.