Sunday, January 07, 2024

In jigsaw land

Four gaps and four pieces left . . . but they didn't fit!

Went to Sainsburys, came back, looked with fresh eyes, saw the piece in the wrong place, and all is well again in jigsaw land.

Not looking so good in shoe world though.

They didn't come up very clean last time I washed them so am considering chucking them. But will probably give them a wash first. Just in case.

Very cold this morning, well, that is, cold for us at one and a half degrees. I realise that is balmy for some of you. 

Whoops, my mind just took a stroll and concluded - don't ask me how I got here as I don't remember - I could get rid of the DVDs/videos still on the shelves in the study. Even books I've read could go. That seems a little rash though. 

But the study is in desperate need of redecoration and reflooring so it would make sense to lighten the load for the children when the day comes that I die. Even if I live to be one hundred and twenty, as I intend, it's very unlikely I will re-read many of these books, not when my To Be Read pile grows each week. And the only DVD player we have is in the attic, mouldering away. (I am convinced it doesn't work but Husband insists it does.)

Redecorating would be much easier if I didn't hang onto so much. Something to consider when, when, some day.


Boud said...

As you know, I always encourage winnowing!

Chuck Pergiel said...

Books are a problem. Hang onto those you remember enjoying, you can read them again. If they don't appeal to you, chuck 'em.

Marie Smith said...

We are struggling with a puzzle. A piece per hour is doing well!

Anvilcloud said...

Taking a break and coming back works so often. Sometimes, I have gotten to an impasse in Sudoku and then see the solution right away when I come back to it.

Ann said...

The temperature is about the same here and I would never consider it balmy