Wednesday, January 24, 2024


So last night in Zac's we celebrated the 40th wedding anniversary of a couple who are regulars at bible study. 

I phoned them in the morning to make sure the bad weather wasn't putting them off coming, and they confirmed they'd be there, so I wasn't panicking as I might otherwise have been when there was no sign of them at 8 o'clock, or even at 8.10.

They finally arrived at about quarter past bearing lots of boxes of KFC and chips for everyone, so they were forgiven.

Joy and Richard

We enjoyed the food and Sean spoke a bit about marriage reminding us of the oft-forgotten or neglected bit of the marriage vows, to cherish, and the importance of cherishing those you love in whatever relationship, be it family, friend or community. He also stressed the value Jesus put on women and said, "We thought we should get a medal for Joy but couldn't find one big enough."

(Make of that what you will and you'll probably be right.)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

They look very happy cutting the beautiful anniversary cake you made for them!

Boud said...

That's lovely! You made them a terrific cake, too.

Ann said...

How nice of them to bring food for everyone. Hope they had a very happy anniversary.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

It sounds like a lovely celebration for the celebrants who were very nice to have brought food for all and belated anniversary wishes to them. The cake does look very nice too.

Anvilcloud said...

Aw, that's sweet. Now I want KFC, but we don't have one in our town.

Janie Junebug said...

What a lovely cake! Happy Anniversary to the happy couple.


Tasker Dunham said...

what a lovely post. Thank you. In some ways the time goes so quickly. In others it seems so long ago. I hope they have had fun, and will have many rears more.

acorn hollow said...

It is funny they bring food to their own celebration happy Anniversary