Tuesday, January 23, 2024

A night at the theatre

As part of my Christmas present Husband bought me a year's subscription to the National Theatre At Home, which allows you to stream plays. Last time we tried to get something from the computer to the television we had picture but not sound so before inviting Daughter and Daughter-in-law around for an evening's entertainment, I thought we'd better try it out.

So last night we did and it worked. We watched a newish play called Kerry Jackson, and it was a bit disappointing. Neither of us could work out the point of it. It was more like social commentary than anything else. From the short clip I'd seen I was expecting a comedy - right-wing Essex girl opens tapas bar in smart London suburb and encounters left-wing academics - and while there were a couple of humorous moments they were barely noticeable in amongst the pathos and crudity.

I didn't even think the acting was up to much, more Swansea Rep standard than National Theatre.

There are plenty more plays to chose from, from classics to musicals, with many fine actors, so I'm sure the others will be better.

P.S. I should have read the reviews first. The Telegraph (right-wing) gave it 2* and said, "bafflingly lame comedy about class in modern Britain," and the Guardian (left-wing) gave it 1* and said, "riddled with working-class cliches." And from Time Out we get, "Abject mediocrity."


Anvilcloud said...

We are finding tv difficult right now. Acorn and Britbox are pretty dry at the moment, and Netflix and Prime are only so-so at the best of times. We usually like to catch a program at lunch and supper.

Marie Smith said...

“Abject mediocrity” says it all.

Boud said...

Abject is about as mediocre as a play can get!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear, not good reviews for that play at all. Guess not every play can be a winner.

Ann said...

Wow, those were some pretty bad reviews.