Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The saga continues

We were meant to be taking delivery of our new car today.

The man who was to deliver it is sick so it's coming tomorrow. Maybe.

* * * * *

Went into Zac's to make soup ready for tonight's carol service and to copy the song sheets. The printer there scans, copies and prints - allegedly. All I could get it to do was print three blank sheets.

On the plus side . . . um, well, okay, this morning I was thinking about how incredibly blessed I am. A wonderful husband and family, good health, a safe warm home, plenty of food, no money troubles. I've got it pretty good I think.

Meanwhile Husband has an appointment with the podiatrist on Thursday and then in early January with the dermatology department, adding another ologist to his list. But even with all his health issues he's come through several major illnesses and is still fit and moderately healthy, so, again, blessed. Thank goodness for the NHS.


Boud said...

Good to remember the good things, yes.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, it's always good for us to count our many, many blessings in this world of often horrendous hardships elsewhere.

Ann said...

printed 3 blanks sheets...LOL

Anvilcloud said...

We have similar health care coverage here but probably not quite as comprehensive as yours. With all of our procedures and surgeries this year, it was wonderful never to be worried about a financial fallout.

acorn hollow said...

You do have many blessings I think we all forget to count them. I try before I go to be to think how thankful I am.