Saturday, December 16, 2023

Short and fat

That's our tree this year.

Hm, looking at this photo I can see it's a bit sparse at the top. Maybe we'll chop a few branches off before the official Christmas angel comes in to land. Then it will be even shorter and fatter.

In the hairdressers' on Thursday I was thinking about what's left to be done and going through my list. Cards posted: yes; presents bought: yes; turkey ordered: yes - yes, I'm sure it is. So I should have a receipt in my purse even if it's just a raffle ticket with a number on it. I don't remember getting one though.

I go through my purse. Nothing from the butcher. I go through it again in case. Definitely nothing from the butcher. Perhaps I put it in a pocket in my handbag. I go through my handbag. Nothing. Mild panic setting in. I tell my hairdresser; I also tell him I have form on not ordering turkeys. 

But I am convinced I ordered one. I went in to the butcher's and placed my order. The boy wrote it in a book. At the time I thought it strange he didn't ask for a deposit or when I wanted to pick it up but hey. I didn't tell Husband I'd ordered one; I was going to wait until he asked me - sarcastically - if I'd ordered a turkey yet so I could say, "Yes." I didn't write it on my blog for the same hush-hush reason.

Today I went to the butcher's, explained I was sure I had ordered a turkey but could he check for me. He went through his list, shook his head. "Can't find you."

"Oh lumme, can I order one then please?"

He says he'll get his boss to double-check when he comes back from lunch so, hopefully, I won't end up with two turkeys. Now I have paid a deposit and got a receipt. But I'm still sure . . .

* * * * *

If I believed in fate I'd be convinced it didn't want us to buy a new mini.

Husband saw one for sale in Cardiff recently and after checking it out decided we'd buy it. From that moment it was problem after problem. First they couldn't find the car, then it needed something, then they were going to clean it. I don't know what their next excuse would have been, but in the meantime, fed up of this delay, Husband found another similar car in Devon, phoned them, decided it was a better deal and said we'd buy it. 

So it all seemed to be straightforward. He would have to go to Devon to fetch it (or pay £180 for delivery) but he also needed to prove when was who he said he was, so two trips in one, fine, and he arranged to go yesterday. Then they said there was something that had to be fixed but offered to deliver it for free this coming Tuesday. Which was great but he still needed to do the identity check. He was told he could go to their office in Newport, about 75 minutes away, to do what was necessary. 

So he set off this morning having checked that the office was open on Saturdays. He got there - and it was closed. The staff were all working from home.

He came home, got stroppy with them, and they agreed to do it all online if he showed them his driving licence. Which they could have done in the first place. 

So we might have a new car come Tuesday. But don't hold your breath.


Boud said...

Or you might have two cars, no turkey.. Why are people so obstructive? They could have cut through to the licence right away. Makes you wonder if they want to sell it at all. Or if it's a test -- the most persistent buyer will be rewarded with a car. Or a turkey.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lots of December drama! I hope you end up with one car and one turkey!

Ann Thompson said...

What an ordeal for a car. The people selling them must not want to get rid of them too bad.