Friday, December 22, 2023

Pamela oh Pamela, oh have you seen Pamela?

It turns out that Pamela Mann is the nom de plume of the Better Tights company. So quite exciting as I now have yellow and red tights!

So our new car. Here she/he is. I haven't been in it enough to get a feel for gender or to think of a name.

I'm leaning towards male and Merlin or Madoc. Name suggestions in Comments please.

The good thing about him is he has heated seats!

The not sure yet thing about him is he's automatic.

The bad thing about him is the Union Jack rear lights.

I have yet to drive him and I'm sure that will take some getting used to. Go slowly and keep away from anyone else will be my motto.

* * * * *

Completely unrelated, on QI Stephen Fry mentioned that etymologists are baffled as to the origins of the word 'dog'.


Abby said...

Getting caught up here and see you've got a brand new car and tights to go with!
Interesting tail lights? I've not noticed that on Minis this side of the pond, but maybe I'm just unobservant that way.

Boud said...

Aha, I did think Pamela was a clothing company. The tights are exciting! And the car color looks like citron to me on this screen. Good name? Works if you decide it's female, too. Or non binary..

It's pretty but I've hated the rides I've had in them, very hard suspension, ow on our generous supply of potholes. The owners won't hear a word against them, though, so I'll creep away now..

Liz Hinds said...

I think the union jack effect is comparatively new, Abby.
It's probably quite a neon green/yellow colour, boud. Suspension is quite firm I think but I can't tell!

Boud said...

You described citron! It's the color from some classic car my neighbor had long ago, a little brit sports one, can't remember what mfr.

Kathy G said...

Of your two name choices I prefer Madoc. Good luck making the decision!

Marie Smith said...

I have never seen lights like those!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your new Mini looks so bright and cheery! And with those tail lights, maybe you should just call him "Jack." And you know the best thing about automatics? You can drive and eat an ice cream cone at the same time because there's no need to keep one hand free to shift gears! Trust me, you'll love it!

Ann said...

I've never named a vehicle before and have never been good at choosing pet names.
I had heated seats once. I loved them and wish my current car had them.

Anvilcloud said...

Seriously, those lights. I think I like them. 😊

Ole Phat Stu said...

Putting a thinner oil in the shock absorbers will soften the suspension.