Thursday, December 28, 2023

Painting walls

Elder Son and GrandSon1 came along to Zac's this morning to help give out food. They were very useful especially as we were low on volunteer numbers, and I think they enjoyed the experience.

I got Husband to drop me off, as I was going in a bit earlier, and I said I'd get a lift home with Elder Son. But I forgot. It wasn't until after they'd left that I remembered I was supposed to be going with them. Rather than get Husband to come into town again I decided to walk halfway home because I wanted to get some photos of the Graffiti Wall. 

It runs alongside an old recreation ground that is now mostly car park. I suppose it's as official as a graffiti wall can be as nobody seems to object or try to clean it. The images change regularly and I've been meaning to take a closer look for some time.

A bit further along you'll find this older and rather less impressive example.


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There's graffiti that often doesn't look anything except a bunch of scribbles and then there is this which looks artistic as well as very colorful. Glad you took a walk and shared. Sending best wishes for a great 2024.

Boud said...

Some nice art there. Murals rather than graffiti. Thanks for showing us.

Ann said...

I dont mind graffiti if it's like this. This is art.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Graffiti is true art of democratic expression.

acorn hollow said...

that is colorful glad you got a walk in.

Ole Phat Stu said...


Granny, what's that for a graffiti?

It's in welsh, dear.

Anvilcloud said...

I guess if you have to have a graffiti wall, that is not a bad one.