Wednesday, December 27, 2023

The first and still the best

Last chilli of year successfully completed. Well, almost. Not enough kidney beans so used a mix of kidney, pinto and baked. It'll be fine. Have also started adding lentils to everything. They pack it out a bit, as well as adding extra protein. 

Some interesting graffiti on our road, not actually on the side of our building. We're the red-bricked bit on the corner of the street.

Our building might be tiny and in desperate need of renovation and we don't have hundreds of volunteers but we're still told by our guests that we do the best food in Swansea. (Unsurprising as we have a professional chef employed part-time.)

Zac's in one form or another was one of the first groups that worked with the homeless and vulnerable in Swansea. Since then lots of others have sprung up (but we're the original and still the best!)


Abby said...

Well, I guess Zac's goes to show that it's not the building so much as what's inside.
Graffiti is technically vandalism, but I find many graffiti artists quite talented.

Boud said...

I think one of the amateur cooks is pretty good, too, if that chili is anything to go by. Thanks for what you do.

Anvilcloud said...

You have a lot of energy. Your body must be holding up well. I've gotten to stage of life where i notice these things and cast envious glances. 😊

Ann said...

The chili looks good.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That is one huge pot of delicious-looking chili! You all should be very proud of the work you do at Zac's making the world a better place.

Kathy G said...

I often make chili with multiple beans but never thought of also adding lentils. That sounds wonderful!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Kudos go to you and all the other volunteers for all you do at Zac's all year long. The chili looks wonderful and adding lentils is something I had never thought of but plan to try in future, thanks.