Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Leading Zac's again this evening because no-one else is available. I took myself off the rota for a while because I wasn't happy with my self-control. When I get irritable with someone it shows. I have been trying to improve in my manner towards people with whom I struggle so tonight will be a test. If I pass I will put myself back on the rota; if I fail I'll stay off it for longer (except in emergencies).

Last week was quite difficult with one of our on-off regulars putting up quite an argument, as I think I mentioned, so if she's there tonight it will be a real test as I'll be reiterating the messages from last week. We shall see.

* * * * *

At the weekend, when GrandDaughter2 was helping me prepare the party tea - or confusing me depending on how you look at it - she said, "You're never disappointed, Granny."
"What do you mean?"
"Mummy and I agree that you never look disappointed."

I'm happy with that.

Now how you would feel if you got these in your stocking from Santa? Festive slippers that allow you to dust and polish as you walk!

Speaking of dusting my cleaner came yesterday for the second time. She has a real thing about cobwebs. I don't like to tell her that I'm quite happy with them.


Boud said...

The useful housecleaning slippers are a bit like a blender for your birthday!

Maybe it's okay to be irritable with people provoking you? I wonder if there's an element of baiting in this woman, trying to pierce your endless patience?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Multi-tasking slippers! Cool!

Liz Hinds said...

WE are beginning to suspect baiting, Boud.

I'll send you some if you really like them, Debra!

Ann said...

I have a problem with controlling myself with people who get argumentative. I used to back down but the older I get the bolder I get.
I'm on the fence about the slippers.
Your cleaner could have a field day around here with the cobwebs.

Marie Smith said...

The floors here could use those slippers.

Anvilcloud said...

Changing our basic instincts is difficult. We are wired in such a way that our responses tend to be automatic. But you have the knowledge of what you want to achieve, and that should help.