Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Cycle or circle?

The Day After Boxing Day and I'm just waiting to be told the shopping has been done before I pop into Zac's to make chilli for forty.

I'm hoping Stu will remember the special Christmas treat I requested: a bag of ready-sliced onions! It's not that I mind chopping onions it's just that they make my eyes water and then I have to blow my nose and then wash my hands, and so this vicious cycle continues until all the onions are chopped. 

A secret: sometimes I just dab my nose on my sleeve to cut out the blowing washing bit. I mean, obviously, if the Food Inspector is reading this, I wouldn't do that. Not very often anyway. 

That's interesting. I wrote 'vicious circle' and Grammarly asked me if I meant to say 'vicious cycle'. Did I? I suppose so. Do I usually call it a circle? Have I been wrong all these years? Hm, curious. 

I've put in some washing and done my ewlsh lesson. (Now it wants to correct ewlsh to Jewish.) (It's meant to be Welsh.)

Just a few of my presents. They know me so well.

Hope you're all having a relaxing day and, I hope, having better weather than we're getting. Wet and windy forecast for the next few days and we're having Louie to stay so could get some bedraggled-looking pics of us!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That t-shirt in particular is perfecr for you! I think "vicious cycle" is the correct usage but I've often heard people say "vicious cycle" so I think that's at least colloquially correct too.

Boud said...

Scratching my head at that comment. Moving right along, I only chop onions when they're frozen, saves a lot of crying.

Abby said...

I've done a few stints in food service and have chopped many an onion. Swim goggles helped.
I think it's "vicious cycle", but circles can be vicious as well.

Anvilcloud said...

I am more of a vicious circle than cycle guy, but I think I have used both.

Were you serious about the chopped onions? I mean could a bag be bought or would someone have to do it for you? Maybe an emoji was needed here? ❓🤔😊

Ann said...

Now I can't be certain but it seems to me that I've said vicious circle in the past.