Monday, November 13, 2023

What Storm Debi blew in

I was lying in bed at 4.30 this morning creating the love interest for my novel. I didn't want to be but I couldn't get him out of my mind.

When I eventually got up it was to good news: Prime Minister Sunak has finally sacked Suella Braverman, who was given the nickname Cruella for good reason. But he's also made David Cameron Foreign Secretary. Now David Cameron was the Prime Minister who landed us with Brexit, and who left politics shortly after to take up a well-paid directorship in the City. He's not an MP any longer but, apparently, he can be made a Lord - as long as King Charles is up and dressed - and then is allowed to take the ministerial post. However, as a Lord, he won't be able to speak or stand in the House of Commons so won't be able to answer questions from MPs.

And this is in a democracy.

Went out for some fresh air after that and walked with Daughter and dogs on Three Cliffs. We missed the rain but Storm Debi certainly brought the wind.

Patterns in the sand


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Didn't David Cameron do enough damage to Britain already? Sheesh.

Marie Smith said...

Dictatorship are the flavour of the week in many countries these days.

Boud said...

Good news about cruella, and the sec for the environment, the one who just sat there letting sewage be run into clean waterways and beaches, is also gone. Jumped before she was pushed, I think.

But for David Cameron to be back with a straight face! Looks like the affluent white male is back, next he'll be reinstating Boris..

Chuck Pergiel said...

Nice pics.

Ann said...

trying to make sense of politics gives me a headache

Anvilcloud said...

4:30? That's the silly kind of thing I would do.