Monday, November 13, 2023

Brynmor not Brynymor!

Boud is talking about hats over on her blog and the class system built up around them, and I was reminded of my history teacher when I was in Glanmor Grammar School. Her name was Mrs Brynmor-Jones. "Not Brynymor, that's the road. And there is no need to point out that I'm wearing my hat; I always wear it."

I can see her now. She was a solid, not fat but well-corseted, woman who was married to a vicar. I couldn't tell you what subjects we covered. I gave up history very soon.

Then there was Miss George, who taught French and was the very image of a gentle spinster lady, more scared of us than we were of her. Miss Bremner, who taught biology. Now I think of her with her manly hairstyle and way of dressing and realise she must have been gay at least. Mrs Ellis, PE teacher, was short-haired, stocky and sporty, but was married and had two sons.

Mr Evans, one of the few male teachers. Latin. Proud and slightly eccentric Welshman. Miss Evans, or Beattie, chemistry, hopeless teacher but fierce. Mrs Hopkins, geography, chubby and jolly, also mother of two sons. (These details were important in an all girls' school.)

I'm not sure when this photo was taken but there are more staff in it than I remember there being in the school. We definitely only had two male teachers in my time.

Lady seated centre is the formidable head, Miss Hilda Hunt, on her right, Beattie, and behind them, right to left, Mrs Brynmor-Jones sans hat, Miss George and Mrs Hopkins. I borrowed the photo from the school Facebook group page. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Was that hugely tall man in the centre of the back row the basketball teacher? He should have been!

Boud said...

Thanks for the shout out. The only men ever allowed around my girls grammar school were plumbers and painters. And we were strictly ordered not to look out of the window, gels, there are MEN there! Kathleen Mulligan, stop that, you bold girl! Waving like that! Sister, it's me dad!

Marie Smith said...

I went to an all girls jr/sr high. Some great teachers, some not. All worked hard. Long gone…

Liz Hinds said...

He wasn't there when I was there, Debra, but we played netball never basketball!
I imagine a nun-run school would have been like that, Boud.
Yes, Marie, I think most of these are now long gone although one at least only died last year.

Anvilcloud said...

You remember both names and appearances so well. I have an acquaintance who went to the same high school as I, but at least ten years later. He can't remember any of his teachers while I seem to recall most of mine. He's intelligent enough but doesn't recall those years well.

Ole phat Stu said...

My old history teacher now lives in Australia and is going on 100. Still actively publishing stuff too.