Friday, November 24, 2023

Out-sourcing all brain activity

I don't have a resting bitch face so much as a resting saggy old woman face. It's most obvious to me in the gym with its mirrors and bright lighting, so I make a point of trying to smile as I'm exercising. It probably comes over as resting complete idiot face but there you go. 

The other night I woke at 1 in the morning and was trying to think of the word that can be used in place of 'find' and 'get'. I knew the word I wanted but couldn't think of it. 

At 2 I woke and continued the brain search but confusion was beginning to set in. I no longer knew the word I wanted but knew I wanted it.

At 5 I woke and knew I wanted to find a word but couldn't remember the word I wanted to find.

At 7 I woke and said, "Source," but I had no idea why I wanted it.

It's no wonder I'm tired all the time.


Boud said...

You need an assistant with word retrieval.

Tasker Dunham said...

I do that. Try to remember something but can't, so leave it confident that it will come later. And then later trying to remember what is was I was trying to remember.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Brains are mysterious things, mysterious things indeed.

Terra said...

Those awake in the middle of the night moments annoy me and like you, so does searching for a word that is hiding from me.

Ann said...

That kind of sounds like how my brain works.

Marie Smith said...

I wish you a restful night, Liz!

Kathy G said...

Usually when I stop trying to think of something is when it pops into my brain.

Anvilcloud said...

Ah, but you remembered in the end. 👍

Cop Car said...

Funny that you even remembered to ponder each time. And, as Anvilcloud wrote, you remembered in the end!

I tend to lose the same word, again, so when it finally occurs to me, I add it to my Word file of "Words that escape me".

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all for your comments. I see I am not the only one.