Thursday, November 30, 2023

Naughty or nice?

Yesterday evening Zac's was transformed for our volunteers' Christmas social. Lots of chatting and even more eating.

Jayne decorated the table and tree with help from Ellie.

There was so much food.

Stu and Bryan in Ho Ho Ho mood.

Stu and Claire did the food and I realise I didn't get a photo of Claire but here's Stu. Which one suits him best do you think? Naughty or nice?

And here's my vegan mushroom and caramelised onion wreath.


Boud said...

That looks like a great party. Volunteers certainly deserve celebrating.

Kathy G said...

Inquiring minds want to know the recipe for your dish :-)

Ann said...

Looks like a nice party. Your onion wreath looks pretty tasty.