Saturday, November 04, 2023

I'm feeling pleased with myself this morning: dinner is in the slow cooker.

I like the idea of the slow cooker but I'm very rarely organised enough to do it. The lamb shanks have been sitting in the fridge all week waiting for their turn so I hope it turns out as nice as it looks in the picture. (Unlike my corned beef hash soup, which as I write it now sounds bad, and I don't know why I bothered.)

I've also changed the bed. In a homeware store this week I discovered they have Halloween bedcovers, for goodness sake. I have two sets of bedding that I alternate until they get holes in. It wasn't until last year that I  bought some Christmassy-winter-themed bedding, which will come out next month.

Husband is lucky: I am not a wild-spending person, tickets for Springsteen an exception; after all, there is wasteful expense and worth-spending. When Bruce cancelled the last gigs on his tour this year because of illness I feared he may then retire and I would never get the chance again to see his amazing live show. I am still taking Husband unless I get a better offer.

Meanwhile I miss Louie. His wagginess when he greets me in the morning, his nosing in when I'm trying to work on the computer, the long walks we had together. I know I could walk without him but it's not the same. With Louie I HAD to go for a walk; without him other things take priority. Actually, like the talk I'm giving next week . . .

* * * * *

I'm once again unable to find reference on the BBC website but the Financial Times reports that Cruella Braverman has plans to make using tents for rough sleep illegal in places where they could be considered a nuisance. The plan is also to fine charities that give tents to rough sleepers. 

In a Home Office report Prime Minister Sunak promises to "give the police and other agencies the tools they need to act and restore pride in our communities", while "UK charities have warned of a growing homelessness crisis caused by a combination of rising rents, a shortage of social and affordable housing and the cost of living crisis leaving more people vulnerable to eviction."


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Any chance of talking your husband into getting you a dog for Christmas? Seems to me you'd be doing all the work of feeding him and walking him anyway, so what's the issue?

Liz Hinds said...

Just keep dropping hints, Debra! If we all work on him. . .

Boud said...

What's the objection? Is he not a dog person?

Braverman personifies depraved evil. Well, as do most of the current cabinet. Roll on the general election, eh?

Liz Hinds said...

He's very much a dog person, Boud, but thinks they're a tie. I have never known such an evil government.

Anna said...

So. Did you put an autumnal bedcover on?

Anvilcloud said...

Having to go for walks is a big part of the reason why we don't have a Louie

Liz Hinds said...

Anna, no of course not.

But Louie's are so lovely, AC.