Thursday, November 02, 2023

I didn't

Wear jeans that is. Not even in the middle of Storm Ciaran.

"Where shall we walk?" I asked Louie. "It might be a bit wild on the beach so the woods are probably best. Then again is it a good idea to walk in amongst trees in high wind?"

Louie shook his head. "It's not that windy," he said. "I like the woods."

So we headed for the woods only to come across this:
"Oh oh," Louie said. "That wasn't there yesterday." 
"Ah, it'll be alright."

The view across to Swansea from halfway up the hill.

We've been incredibly blessed this week. Although the forecast each day has been grim we've avoided heavy rain every time, mostly avoiding all rain. If my boots didn't leak I wouldn't have got wet at all.

* * * * *

NaNoWriMo words written today = 1382

It is getting confusing talking about my writing - well, I'm confused - so let me clarify. I have written and self-published three novels. I have written another one quite different from my others that I've not really even tried to get published. Another I've written - let's call it Novel 5 - is the one I want to finish editing to get ready for publishing probably early 2024. 

I began Novel 6 and wrote about 55,000 words before putting it aside and deciding recently to begin again in a slightly different style. And that's what I'm doing for NaNoWriMo.

All clear now? 


Kathy G said...

You and Louie are having some great conversations lately.

Ann said...

Nice that Louie will offer his opinion. When I try to talk to Gibbs he just gives me the head nod and says nothing.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Louie is quite the little chatterbox, for a dog.

Abby said...

I like Louie's decisiveness!
NaNoWriMo - of course! I forgot that was a thing. I used to think about doing it, but could never come up with a plot I liked. And here you are working on number 6!

Anvilcloud said...

It's clear that you have writing/storytelling in your veins.