Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Enough already

An unexpected hiccup means that I am leading bible study this evening. I only found out at about 10.30 this morning so it's been a bit of a mad panic to pull something together. We're looking at Elijah and his non-death. 

Because he knows he's about to leave this world he goes off to visit other groups of prophets presumably to encourage and/or warn them. So I thought I'd begin the study by asking, "If you knew you were about to die what would you do?"

Should I admit that my first thought was, "Eat Maltesers like there's no tomorrow," which there wouldn't be? Of course I'd want to be with my family, tell them I love them and Jesus loves them, but I felt I needed something more meaningful, something that could take its place amongst famous last words.

I couldn't come up with anything. Can you?

The best I could do is, "Never believe you're not enough. You are."

(Do what I say not what I do.)

So, thank you, Monty, for calling in sick this morning having forgotten you were leading anyway.


Boud said...

One of my retreat leaders, A Jesuit, used to have people consider this very question. All sorts of fantastic responses, but I've always liked the: "exactly what I'd planned to do today" response. Meaning you're already in the right place anyway.

I'll be interested in learning about the responses you get, given your group.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think eating as many Maltesers as possible is as good a response as any!

Marie Smith said...

You be great, Liz!

Anvilcloud said...

I don't think that I would do anything too grand and glorious, but I would probably make sure to contact a few people that I might not on an ordinary day.

Kathy G said...

The evening will plan out exactly the way it's supposed to.

Ann said...

Tough question. I'm not sure what I would do. Probably call my kids to come over.