Sunday, October 15, 2023

Wales lost

Argentina played well and deserved to win; Wales didn't.

If your team gives its all and loses it's disappointing; when you know they 'could do better' it's disappointing and frustrating. Still most people, myself included, would have been satisfied - and to be honest, weren't expecting it - if they'd just got to the quarter-finals. The fact that they won their pool and thrashed Australia was a bonus.

* * * * *
By the time we got to the pier yesterday our resolve had weakened and Husband and I shared a portion of chips.
Very nice they were too. 

Then we went on the beach and I did something I've never done before: I climbed up the middle island and got some photos from a different angle.

Looking back at the pier

* * * * *
The All Blacks beat Ireland yesterday too. A bad day for the northern hemisphere. Ireland was on a record-breaking winning streak and was one of the favourites to lift the World Cup, while the New Zealanders have had a rough tournament. But yesterday they certainly turned up.

This afternoon England takes on Fiji in another 'should win' game. Everyone is on tenterhooks.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Canada got knocked out in a very early round, of course, so I haven't heard much news since of the World Cup. I'm depending on your blog for updates!

Boud said...

I don't think anyone here knows rugger at all, so you are my sole source of news. I did watch some Welsh rugger match singing from various finals on YouTube, last evening, if that counts! Not knowing the game very well, that's my favorite part.

Anvilcloud said...

What?! 😲🤓 You share a plate of fries? I have never heard of such a thing.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oops, sorry, just realized I was confusing the Rugby World Cup with the Soccer World Cup. I doubt if Canada even qualified for the Rugby competition. Sheesh, if it's not hockey, I don't know what's going on.

Ann said...

That is an amazing view in that one picture.