Sunday, October 15, 2023

Seven for Sunday

RECEIVED. Good news. Finally after a few months of tests, scans, and doctors' visits, Husband has been declared to be fine. So no more excuses for sitting around playing games on computers. (I can hope.)

RECONNECTED. With an old friend. We hadn't lost touch but we'd not had a good gossip for ages, so I borrowed Toby Dog and we walked over the tip and talked. Mostly about things either spiritual or intestinal.

ENJOYED. Family time yesterday. As one or another member of the family has had Covid recently we've not had the opportunity for us all to be together. Put that right at the Pier. 

GARDENED. A beautiful morning so I took my spade and did a bit more clearing at the back. A tree feller is coming in December to cut down trees for us and I want the area to be ready for planting when it's done.

MADE PROGRESS. Still pondering whether to rewrite my latest manuscript in a completely different style. If I can get the beginning sorted I will go ahead but struggling at the moment to choose an appropriate starting place.

JIGSAWED. Just a bit obsessed at the moment.

THRILLED. Husband just asked me what's for dinner - and I knew!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love your imaginative categories! Great news that your husband has been given the all clear, health-wise. Sounds like you had a good week!

Boud said...

I am guessing a tree feller is a feller who fells trees? At first I thought you were being very casual, then the bin feller comes, and we used to have a milk feller..

Anvilcloud said...

I hope he is fine. Sometimes, I am not sure if the tests reveal all.

Polly said...

Excellent news about your husband.