Saturday, October 14, 2023

Signed on the dotted line

I have joined the Labour Party.

This morning I signed on the dotted line, paid my dues, and took action. I've been thinking about joining for some time on the grounds that I am better placed to complain and object within an organisation rather than as an outsider. And when I saw the interview with Keir Starmer, the Labour party leader, in which he says that Israel is entitled to enforce a blockade on Gaza I finally did it.

I've emailed the leader now on three different email addresses. To make sure he gets the message. Of course he's not going to read my emails. I'll no doubt get a standard reply he and his advisers will have formulated for all such objections. But I assume mine will be added to a list of protesters. And now I'm going to email Angela Rayner, the deputy leader.

A few weeks ago I switched on the news and a politician was talking. I didn't recognise his voice and was amazed to discover at the end it was Keir Starmer. He has been leader through Covid and Partygate and all the horrors of immigration and I'd never heard his voice before. Says a lot I think.

I've also emailed the Presiding Officer of the Senedd (Welsh parliament) who this week turned down a request from a Tory member that the Israeli flag should be flown outside the Senedd building. She said, "I do not consider that the Israeli flag should be flown at the Senedd when people in both Palestine and Israel are now suffering."

Someone with some sense.


Anvilcloud said...

Such times we live in. I guess that it has always been thus, more or les anyway, but most of humanity never knew what was going on.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You're becoming quite the activist!

Boud said...

Good for you! A Liz after my own heart.