Monday, October 30, 2023

Sad to say I must be on my way

Out walking I notice the only people in shorts are runners and an old man wearing a woolly hat and talking to himself. I instantly judge him. 

Then I realise, with my shorts, walking boots, woolly socks and talking to myself, others probably make the same judgement on me.

I wasn't always talking to myself; sometimes I was singing the Pogues' song:

We walked him to the station in the rain, choo choo choo, 
we kissed him as we put him on the train, choo choo choo,
and we sang him a song of times long gone 
though we knew that we'd be seeing him again.

A man on the beach commented on how much sand movement there had been in just one night. We agreed that nature is a powerful force. Humans are also a powerful force but sadly not always for good.

That was just the obvious plastic rubbish on just a short stretch of beach. 

Louie and I have been very fortunate on our walks. The heavy rain forecast each day has missed us, or perhaps we've missed it. I've ended up walking with my mac wrapped around my waist.

* * * * *

Shocked and sad to hear of the death of Matthew Perry. Too young. Addiction is an evil disease.


Janie Junebug said...

People tend to think it's a little odd when we talk to ourselves, so when I can, I take Princess with me and talk to her about what we're doing (What do you think about purchasing these daffodil bulbs, Princess?), and then people don't think I'm one bit strange. Nothing unusual about asking for a shepherd's opinion.


Anvilcloud said...

I am very prone to talking to myself. But sometimes I am the only one who will listen to me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nowadays when I hear someone talking to themselves, I just assume they're on Bluetooth. And often they are!

Boud said...

Debra, that's why I bless the advent of the phone! I don't look so weird any more, talking to myself as I walk.

Kathy G said...

You can never go wrong with a Pogues song.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Surely the only people with shorts are electricians?

Ann said...

I try to keep my public conversations with myself completely in my head. People already think I'm a bit off.