Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Yesterday I was talking to myself . . .

If you've ever had a dog you will know that sometimes they will stop, go into full alert mode and stare at something. It's usually in the woods I find and it frightens me to death. Today it happened with Louie.

I walked up to him saying, "What is it, Louie? Is it a monster?"

As I got closer I realised I was talking not to Louie but to a tree stump.

He's brown, the tree stump was brown. It was an easy mistake.

And this is the closest I'll get to acknowledging Halloween, a stone I spotted on our walk.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Tree stumps can be SO deceiving.

Abby said...

I remember my brother kicking at a tree stump because it looked like a stuffed animal in the path, so your mistaken dog is not far fetched. A surprise to the foot. Happy Halloween.

Boud said...

I'm glad you don't go overboard about H****een, my least favorite day!

Ann said...

Well at least you didn't try and walk the tree stump back home with you

Anvilcloud said...
