Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Not my day

I'm pleased to report the birthday cake was light as a feather! Yay! Here's the birthday boy.

I was responsible for opening Zac's last night but was a bit late getting there - and then couldn't find a place to park so had to drive around the block - and people were waiting when I finally opened the door. I rushed in and found that the urn, that is usually on a timer, wasn't and wasn't on so I fetched the kettle from the kitchen and put that to boil. 

In spite of it standing on the counter next to me I still managed to make at least four cups of coffee with cold water. 

We've been planning refurbishments for years but builders keep letting us down. They've even given us start dates and then not done it. But because back in the spring we still believed it would happen we didn't bother fixing the heating that had broken. So, last night on our first chilly evening, I was rushing around in between making cold coffee trying to find a little electric radiator.

You could say I was a little flustered. 

Seems things didn't improve over-night. I drove the five miles to Zac's this morning, manoeuvred brilliantly into a small parking space, and feeling very pleased with myself got out of the car, only to have to get back in again: I'd brought Husband's keys and didn't have keys to unlock Zac's.

Some days I should stay in bed.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Some days are like that. All we can do is laugh and wait for things to start going right again!

Ann said...

Sounds like a very frustrating day.

Anvilcloud said...

You manage to keep life interesting.