Tuesday, October 17, 2023

And more cake talk

Kathy asked what I was going to do with the first cake. This:

Old-fashioned jam and coconut topping. And here's the birthday cake for Vince. Quick and easy option this week.

* * * * *
With every jigsaw I reach the point of, "Well, this piece definitely doesn't belong in this jigsaw." It always does. But with my current jigsaw I've never had so many pieces that 'definitely don't belong.'

They will. Eventually.


Ann said...

That first one look really good. Cute way to do the birthday cake.

Boud said...

It looks as if the cook tried a sample.

acorn hollow said...

I would of never thought of jam as a frosting only between layers

Kathy G said...

They both look fantastic.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice decorating job on Vince's cake!

Janie Junebug said...

Vince's cake looks very nice.
