Wednesday, October 11, 2023

New and old food

An old favourite for Zac's last night.

In the recipe book, it's called Canadian Malt Loaf but it has no malt in it that I can see. I call it sultana bread or, in this case, raisin bread, on account of starting to make it and realising I didn't have any sultanas.

And trying out a new recipe for our Thursday lunches in Zac's. Spaghetti Chicken.

Very simple just need strong arms to stir everything in together! It uses canned chicken soup and - and this is a definite plus - I don't have to chop loads of onions. Basically it's a form of chicken macaroni cheese so, hopefully, it will prove popular. I added frozen veg to the recipe to make it an all-in-one dish. 

It was a bit like the magic porridge pot when I was putting it in pans. I had to keep getting out an extra pan.

Right, I'm going Christmas shopping now!


Boud said...

I used to love the little malt loaf my mother, usually a home baker, would, once in a long while, buy. I don't know if there was malt in them either, maybe molasses or something. Anyway a lovely dark flavor. You're doing a great food service at Zac's.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Both look tasty!

Kathy G said...

Thank goodness I waited until after dinner to read this post-otherwise I would be very hungry.

Polly said...

I make something similar with Campbell's condensed soup and rice.