Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Change of plan

No sooner had I said I was going Christmas shopping than it began to rain so I didn't. Instead I made some adverts for one of my books. I like Canva a lot but it does confuse me. I seem to lose my work at the drop of a hat.

At least now I feel I've done something bookish even if it's not actually writing or editing. 

* * * * *

I have tried, I've heard people talk about it, I've been reading, but I still get confused over the situation re Palestine and Israel. I know the Hamas bombing was terrible; I know Israel's decision to withhold water, electricity etc from Gaza is terrible. So far so clear. It's getting to the root that loses me.

As both sides are so deeply entrenched in their mindsets it's hard to imagine what a solution could be.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's like Northern Ireland used to be -- just one long bloodbath of terrorism and retribution on an endless repeat cycle. But the fact that it did eventually one day stop in Northern Ireland should give us hope about Israel and Gaza some day?

Boud said...

The ni situation was largely born at the battle of the Boyne, a few hundred years ago. The Middle Eastern conflicts go back millennia, sadly.

Marie Smith said...

Such a sad result for the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Ann said...

I find it hard to understand how any disagreement, no matter how large, is worth killing people over.