Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Needles and me

Had my shingles jab this morning. I have to go back in six months for another then it's done. I said to the nurse, "I am such a wimp. I hate having injections."

She said, "I'm the same. It's the thought of what's happening, what's being done."

I thought, "No, actually it's having a needle stuck in me that I hate." A small scratch indeed!

Still at least I don't faint.

Anyway, the advantage of having a 9 am appointment is that since then I've made two cakes and done some necessary emailing and it's only 11. I hadn't intended to make two cakes but I wasn't satisfied with my first.

It is quite light but hasn't risen enough. So I tried again but in two round tins this time.
It mightn't look it but it is better - although the test will come this evening at Zac's when it's cut. I shall report back. Still convinced I have lost the knack.

(For my notes, I used Stork marg this time instead of butter or olive spread.)


Boud said...

I expect there will be nothing but crumbs after the diners at Zac's have tried it.
Look out for aftereffects of the shingles vaccine. I had them, and it was a good time to do nothing much.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

If you're unhappy with the rise, perhaps check the best before date of your leavening agent -- is it expired? That might explain things.

Marie Smith said...

Those cakes will taste great I bet!

Ann said...

I'm not real fond of needles but I'm good so long as I don't watch it going into my arm

Abby said...

Cake experiments - yummy!

I've had the shingles injections. The second hit put me on the couch for a day, just FYI.

Janie Junebug said...

I had the shingles vaccine a couple of years ago. No problems from it. I'd much rather have the shots than get shingles.
