Thursday, October 19, 2023

My influence stretches far

In the middle of Storm Babet (what sort of name is that?) Daughter and I were blessed with warm sunshine as we walked Toby and Louie on Pobbles. 

* * * * * 
Remember I joined the Labour Party and straightaway emailed Keir Starmer, the leader, about his refusal to condemn Israel for their blockade of Gaza?

Well, he's done a turnaround. Today in Prime Minister's Question Time he said, ""The lights are going out and the innocent civilians of Gaza are terrified that they will die in the darkness, out of sight. International law must always be followed. Hamas are not the Palestinian people and the Palestinian people are not Hamas."

How influential am I?!!

Meanwhile our Tory leader, Rishi Sunak, has flown out to Israel to tell them, "We want you to win." Seriously? I don't know who the 'we' is meant to be. Probably Tory donors who are invested in Israel. I don't know what the point of him going there was either. Just to get a photo op with the Israeli PM I guess. 

Incidentally, there has been some retaliation against British Jews, with Jewish schools feeling the need to close for the safety of their pupils and staff. This is wrong too. There is no answer except through peace and a bit of give and take, which we all know political leaders aren't willing to do.

Now go back and look at the lovely peaceful photo of the beach again. It will bring your blood pressure down.


Boud said...

You did a good job on Starmer! Sunak was terrified of not getting attention, hence the photo op. He probably should have photoshopped it and saved taxpayer expense.

Ann said...

"we want you to win". Is there every really a winner in situations like that. I think everyone loses to some degree.

Ole Phat Stu said...

This is nhat ChatGTP say about the name Babet.

Storm Babet is a complex area of low pressure which developed to the west of the Iberian peninsula1. The storm was named by the Met Office in partnership with Met Éireann in Ireland and KNMI in the Netherlands. The name “Babet” was selected by KNMI and it is named after a woman who visited an open day at the weather agency’s headquarters and put her name forward. The storm brought impactful rain to many parts of the UK, especially parts of eastern Scotland, Northern Ireland, and northern England.

Slang Term: “Babet” is also a slang term commonly used by teenagers and young adults, particularly in the United States. It is typically used to describe someone who has an attractive physical appearance.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You are a force to be reckoned with! Keep it up!