Friday, October 20, 2023

Even further than I realised!

There were two by-elections yesterday in 'safe' Tory seats. Both were won by Labour with a huge swing. Obviously I am an 'influencer' without knowing it. If I had known I would have joined the Labour Party ages ago!

* * * * *

England's the only northern hemisphere team left in the Rugby World Cup and tomorrow they play South Africa, reigning world champions, for a place in the finals. Four years ago the two teams met in the finals - and Husband points out that neither team has changed very much. Still the same old faces.

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I've had an idea that is probably stupid. It involves doing my Christmas shopping by the end of October then beginning to rewrite new novel for NaNoWriMo23. It also ideally means finishing editing novel 4 by end of October too. 

Like I said, probably stupid. We shall see.


Boud said...

No, no, go for it! Nano etc might be just the push you can use right now.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Go for it! You've still got eleven whole days left in October!

Marie Smith said...

You have time!

Anvilcloud said...

I was surprised yesterday when a friend reported that he is following this tournament. Generally, there is not much interest here.

Ann said...

I don't think that sounds like a stupid idea at all. Go for it.