Tuesday, October 03, 2023

I'm a writer

I'm telling myself that as much as announcing it to the world. It's been such a long time since I've done any writing other than blogging or Bay articles, and there is so much I could be doing.

There's the ghost-written memoir, finished, just needs signing off by the subject. Must nag him.

I have two completed novels I could read and edit/submit/self-publish.

I have three self-published novels I could be promoting/marketing. Absolutely rubbish at this part of the job.

I am in the middle of another novel in my usual writing style and a thought has occurred to me to begin it again and write it in a completely different way. This is the thought that has taken up residence in my brain currently.

Also mustn't forget that I am talking about Zac's next week so need to prepare for that. 

So I'll go and do some gardening now and have a think.


Boud said...

Very few writers are good at marketing themselves, artists, too. Good for you for today's post! I used to know a sculptor who said she'd forced herself to attend to the business of art at least once a week, because she kept not doing it. It feels like a waste of studio time.

I'm going to look you up now.

Anvilcloud said...

I write a blog. No more can I do. 😊

Abby said...

You are most definitely a writer!
Marketing isn't for everyone, myself included. As a tutor, I gladly sign away 25% of my earnings to the "matchmakers".

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, winter is coming. That's a good time to busy yourself with writing and marketing. No nice weather or fun outside activities to distract you!

Ann said...

That sounds like the solution I would come up with.

Janie Junebug said...

I wrote a few chapters of a novel. One isn't too bad. I haven't worked on it in years, so you're way ahead of me. I'd like to write about being a caregiver, but as soon as I drift away from the funny, happy stories, people become upset. They don't want to know about the reality of bed sores, dementia, and flu spreading like wildfire in nursing homes.
