Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Handy Cleaning Hint No. 2

Don't wear your glasses when cleaning.

I had a change of heart and decided the oil painting would go quite well in the guest bedroom over the grate.

And as I was doing it, of course, I had to dust the painting and the fireplace. So far so good. Then I put my glasses on.

And realised that the grate was full of, at best, stuff birds had dropped down the chimney, or, at worst, bird poo.

I had an arrangement of stones and a candle in the grate previously and I hadn't looked at them for ages. I don't have much cause to go into the guest bedroom apart from a little light dusting occasionally. I'm more like the lady below.
It's a lovely day today so it's going to be lunch followed by some gardening. Hope your day is good.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love that rabbit statue!

Boud said...

It's probably better to leave your glasses off, less work is visible then.

Ann said...

I have two rooms that I just keep the door closed so I can't see that I need to go in and clean them.