Friday, October 20, 2023

If I only had a brain

I knew I was about to get a cold sore up my nose because my eye hurt. 

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I continue to get a few listeners weekly to my podcast. Sadly not many seem to progress beyond the first episode. I probably need to tout it a bit more so here:

Have YOU listened to my podcast in which I read my first novel, This Time Next Year?

Oh crumbs, I've just realised something! After it being live for three years I have just noticed that the most listened to episode is the final one - because it comes first on the list! Oooohhh, picture me now banging my head on the desk and groaning. How could I have not noticed before?! I will have to try and reorder the episodes, which means going back to the original which in turn means remembering passwords most likely. This could take some time. DON'T try and listen to it yet, please!"


Boud said...

Well, that certainly explains why people stopped after one ep! No more! Okay, let us know when to start.

Anvilcloud said...

I get cankers, my wife gets cold sores. I think that between the two of us we have mouth sores pretty well covered. In fact, I've been having a little explosion recently.