Monday, October 02, 2023

Go me!

Finally got round to putting the cot and two baby car seats on Freecycle. I know charity shops aren't allowed to sell car seats so I'm hoping that by giving them away they will still be put to use. I think it's because the car seat might have been involved in an accident and damaged in some way. Ours haven't but that doesn't matter.

I've also suggested to Husband that he tries to work out how to sell an original piece of art. I inherited it from Uncle and it was comparatively costly when he bought it. The trouble is that the artist, Prudence Turner, must have been the most prolific Scottish landscape painter of her generation, or any generation. There are hundreds out there for sale all very similar, lochs, hills and muted colours.

Loch Laggan
Can you tell I am in Clear Out mode?

Actually I've had quite a productive day today. Done everything on my list - nearly - including things I'd been putting off for ages. And did a bit of jigsaw too, as well as exercise class this morning. 

Go me! (Is that my jigsaw I hear calling?)

And in rather wonderful news, I discovered today that there is a whole Facebook page devoted to Owen and his parsnips! (On my Duolingo Welsh course, Owen is passionate about his parsnips.)


Boud said...

It's ages since we has news of Owen the Parsnip. I wonder if some of those paintings are reproductions. But the price won't be as high anyway, if there so many of them. Decisions, decisions.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Too bad that's not a Banksy!

Marie Smith said...

It is a beautiful painting!

Jenny the Pirate said...

Clear Out mode is a valuable time in a person's life. Make the most of it. Sounds as though you already have! When prompted to shift into clear out mode, I usually lie down until the impulse goes away. But one can do that only so many times or risk being overrun by stuff. That's the condition of our garage right now. xoxo

Ann said...

That's a nice painting. I love days when I get a lot done.

Anvilcloud said...

Good luck with both the cars seats and painting.

Anonymous said...

Owen needs to get out more

Anonymous said...

Viv btw re Owen, in case you didn't guess