Sunday, September 24, 2023

Until the next time

Well, that's done. Talk went okay I think. By the time I gave it I'd been over it so often I no longer knew what the point of it was but several people came and thanked me afterwards - that's a typical Christian thing.

One lady thought I needed prayer, two ladies commended my honesty - so I must have been too honest - and a few women said I'd expressed their thoughts. One lady said, "We think along the same lines," but she then went on to condemn immigration and blame Muslims for all the rapes so maybe not precisely the same lines.

But all in all happy enough - I only got stuttery once towards the end when my mind went completely blank - and glad it's over.

Another woman said she takes my Bay articles to bed to read and loves them. And that's my next job, the next article. But first a cup of tea and a jigsaw. 

* * * * *

Wales take on Australia this evening. I am in that dreaded hopeful phase, where I am daring to dream. Heading for a fall no doubt.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like many people liked and appreciated your talk! Congrats!

Marie Smith said...

Well done. I guess the anxiety about it prior to the event makes you well prepared!

Ole Phat Stu said...

Not your footprint!

Kathy G said...

Good job on the talk.

Anvilcloud said...

Made me laugh: " so maybe not precisely the same lines." Nicely understated.

Ann said...

Glad your talk went well. It's funny how you can say the same thing to several people and each one will get something different out of it.