Saturday, September 23, 2023

Drum roll please

See that cleared weeded bit:

That's where I've planted the daffs and tulips.

While this might not warrant a drum roll for you it does for me. Although I'm very good at destructive gardening, be it intentional or un, I don't have a lot of success when it comes to growing things. The continued blooming of the various rose bushes I've planted serves to amaze me.

I actually bought the bulbs to take to Italy for Younger Son but then Husband told me I wasn't allowed to take plants abroad. In all our visits we've never been custom checked but there's always a first time so I left them at home, where they've been sitting waiting for me to do something with them ever since.

I can't wait to see if they grow! Or whether I inadvertently dig them up.

* * * * *
Meteorological autumn started on 1st September but astronomical autumn starts today. Although the weather outside is quite okay it's cold in the house, especially sitting at the computer. Which is why I put on a vest today. With my shorts. I hate going back into trousers although I love being snug.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wishing you a riot of daffodils and tulips come Spring!

Anvilcloud said...

The trouble is -- here anyway -- that meteorological autumn is much much briefer than astronomical autumn.

Boud said...

Better to plant the bulbs where you are. And hope you, or the puppy, don't dig them up.

Ole phat Stu said...

I wandered lonely as a cloud...

Janie Junebug said...

I bought some daffodil and tulip bulbs today. I'll need to plant them soon. We'll have to share photos of our flowers when they come up because they WILL come up to bloom and be beautiful.


Ann said...

My father was an excellent gardener. I did not inherit his green thumb. If I plant it, it has a low survival rate.

acorn hollow said...

wishing you success with your flowers I am in pants today also sadly I wear shorts until I just cant anymore.