Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Trying AI and making cakes

It's Tuesday again and I'm making another birthday cake. I tried a slightly different method, but it didn't turn out well according to my standards. I feel like I've lost my confidence in baking. My old food processor was the key to making a great cake, but now it's not working and I feel helpless. I might have to go back to using my granny's method.

Hmm, interesting. The paragraph above was written by Grammarly based on my original, which is below.

Another Tuesday, another birthday sponge. Another slightly changed method, another failure by my standards.

It's no good; I've lost my confidence. The power of the cake was in my old food processor, and now it's gone. I am bereft. I may have to return to my granny's method.

I think I'll stick with my own style, for the time being at least. Writing style that is. I shall continue to experiment with sponge cakes. They used to be the one thing about which I was truly confident.

But back to writing. It all began when I was working on my next article for The Bay. I looked up cartoons about grammar pedants and next thing I knew I was signing up for Grammarly, which provides AI assistance in all things writerly. How easily I am distracted. No wonder it takes me ages to do anything.

And just to prove it, I have been on a trip down the Tom Gauld rabbit-hole. He's a cartoonist with the Guardian and New scientist and why have I never heard of him before?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, what a difference! Your personal writing style is just that -- personal and stylish. It has soul and is interesting to read. The AI version is technically readable but much more dull and generic. It's snooze inducing.

Anvilcloud said...

I see that Grammarly really likes sentence fragments. I am not sure that I approve. I try to use them sparingly and for effect.

Boud said...

The ai version sounds snotty! Your own writing is wry and funny.

Ann said...

Bigg difference in the two paragraphs. I prefer the human version.