Monday, September 25, 2023

Back to exercise class this morning for the first time since before our holiday. Bit of a shock to the system but good to be back. 

Now GrandDaughter2 has Covid. In fact four out of the five people in that house are unwell though she's the only one testing positive. In the other household Covid-stricken Elder Son feels much better but his cough is getting worse.

But in exciting news GrandSons 1 and 3 are both appearing in Swansea Little Theatre production of Peter Pan in December! They are cast as Michael and Peter and I'm already excited to go and watch the pantomime.

We offered to do the dog-walking today and took Toby and Louie to Pobbles. It was a lovely day, mild but windy on the beach. The sea was very nice though and if I'd thought about it and been prepared I'd have swum. It was so lovely and there were waves.

The dogs had a great time.

I wouldn't want you to think I'm obsessive but, still in de-stressing mode following my talk yesterday morning, I finished the jigsaw I started yesterday afternoon.

And in case you missed my previous post and, well, just because, Wales 40 - 6 Australia. One very happy nation. And having won three games in their pool Wales is now guaranteed a place in the quarter-finals, which is all we could ask for.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Except for the Covid, all good news!

Anvilcloud said...

We have colds happening in the grands' house, but not COVID so far.

Kathy G said...

This morning I went to the gym for the first time in a couple of weeks. It was surprisingly hard.

Ann said...

Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

Liz Hinds said...

It's inevitable: children go back to school and the germs flood in! And we go back to the gym and the muscles ache.