Monday, September 25, 2023

O me of little faith!

Back in 2018 when he was England rugby coach Eddie Jones said this about Wales.

Last week, now coach of Australia, he said Australia would definitely win against Wales yesterday. 

The final score is shown in the picture. The largest winning margin for Wales against Australia ever.

Australia were rubbish but Wales showed excellent discipline and had a very solid defence. Even so, even when we were winning something like 35-6 with not long to go I was still on tenterhooks. But they did it!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Clearly the Welsh had long memories and a grudge to settle! Congrats on the big win!

Anvilcloud said...

Good for little old Wales.

Ann said...

That'll teach him to say bad things about Wales.

Liz Hinds said...

We do have long memories, Debra, and I hope it will, Ann, but I doubt it.
Thank you, Anvilcloud!