Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Got a bit distracted

And went for a walk and swim in the sea with Daughter, GrandDaughter2 and Louie Dog. The washing can wait till tomorrow as can the rest of the weeding. Or rather a bit of the rest of the weeding: there is a lot to do.

It's not only the roses that are flourishing.

A harvest of tomatoes and aubergines led to aubergine parmigiana - or at least my made-up version of it - for dinner.

I had planned to go to some talks this evening but another 'funny eye' this afternoon led me to rethink that and decide to go to bed early instead.

P.S. I've had these 'funny eyes' for more than twenty years, a few times a year. Usually out of the blue, they last about twenty minutes, and only sometimes are followed by a headache. 


Boud said...

That sounds like an ocular migraine. Exactly like the ones I get. My eye doctor says probably stress and/or too much small screen time. It's a nuisance when one starts as you're driving or doing other things that definitely need a complete field of vision.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Chores can ALWAYS wait! Choose fun instead!

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, that sounds right, Boud. Fortunately I've only had one when driving and I was nearly home.

Definitely, Debra!

Anvilcloud said...

I hope you and your eyes ha a good rest/