Thursday, September 14, 2023

And it's raining

I've sorted out the photos so now I'm ready but where to begin? The beginning seems the logical place but let's not do that. Let's begin instead with what we all love: food.

On the middle weekend we visited an agriturismo. These typically serve local traditional food in lots of courses. There's one dining time and everyone has the same food - although the children are catered for slightly differently. A meal lasts a long time! We were there all afternoon. there was a playground outside for the children and donkeys in a field.

We had the bit upstairs to ourselves.

And this was the view.

And here's the food. 
From top left we had:
ham and melon, sort of raw minced beef with grated cheese and rocket, a potato stuffed with cheese and something, roasted pepper with pesto dressing.
Followed by, from bottom left:
ravioli I think stuffed with spinach and cheese, pork cheek and ribs, rare steak and spinach, dessert.

Cheese and meat loaded but not big on vegetables. All very lovely though.

And that was that day done.

While we're on the theme of food I might as well show you my ice creams. I didn't accomplish my 'ice cream a day' dream, which is what I try to aim for on most holidays. Indeed I was rather hard done by on the ice cream front. Still, mustn't grumble.
Meringue, nutella and possibly the best hazelnut ice cream.

Meringue again, raspberries, cream and probably vanilla ice cream.

We had a couple of cones as well so don't go thinking I was too hard done by. Last Sunday just before we came home we tried an ice cream shop in a nearby small town. It was a glorious day, temperatures in the high twenties, possibly thirties - and the ice cream shop was shut!!!! Fortunately Nuora (Italian for daughter-in-law to distinguish her from Daughter-in-Law) knew of another good shop. Honestly I don't understand Italians. On the previous Friday, same temperatures, we took the grandchildren to a nearby municipal swimming pool: it was deserted! And apparently the outdoor pool was going to close for the winter that weekend. Nuora explained that this was cold for Italians. 

So we had the pool virtually to ourselves - and the accompanying lifeguard who took it on herself to follow GrandSon4 around just in case. She'd already made him remove his swim vest saying he wasn't allowed to wear a t-shirt in the pool, and wasn't too happy with his swimming trunks either. 

Oh, and we had to wear silly hats. Good fun though.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those ice creams look sinfully delicious!

Ann said...

Now I want ice cream.

Anvilcloud said...

I was just about to say what Ann said.