Monday, August 07, 2023

Gnomes and good omens

"Why is the back seat of the car covered in garden gnomes?"
"They're not all gnomes; some are fairies."

Answer: I'm stocking up on craft stuff for grandchildren at home and away. However I can't answer Husband's other question.

At 6.59 am I stirred as Husband rustled around. At this sign of life from me Husband said, "Why have I got six bites on my leg?"

I turned over and went back to sleep. I didn't get away with it though because next time I woke up he asked again, "I've got six bites. Where did they come from?"

How am I supposed to know? I fully expect him to blame my clothes washing technique rather than garden bugs.

Today was supposed to be a calm relaxed day. It's turned into a "I've got too many things to do" day. I'm not sure how that happened either.

Last week I wrote the first draft of my next Bay article. Then promptly forgot about it. So I need to get that finished and sent off. I've made cakes ready for Zac's as I have the grandchildren tomorrow but I still need to go shopping for food. I also planned to do some gardening as it's dry and the weeds have been having a field day with all the rain we've had but I think that will have to be postponed to another day. Even my sentences are too long for me to breathe.

Any fans of Good Omens out there? We're enjoying season 2 though Beelzebub was better in season 1.


Boud said...

I'm glad you're the wife in this situation! If I had been, he'd have had seven bites, one with tooth marks!

Anvilcloud said...

If you can't tell him where he got the bites, you are so obviously an abject failure as a wife.

acorn hollow said...

How wonderful you are getting time with your grands and it sounds like lots of fun ahead!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I loved the first season of "Good Omens" and plan to watch season two this week!

Ole phat Stu said...

I have Good Omens on DVD so I can watch it whenever I want again.. Pterry wss great.

Marie Smith said...

The leg bites are hilarious! Have a great day with your grandchildren!