Sunday, August 06, 2023

An unexpected result

The Rugby World Cup begins in September and the teams are currently playing their warm-up matches. Welsh rugby has been in turmoil off the field - money and administration problems - and not much better on the field. Lots of senior players have retired and generally things looked pretty bleak.

So it was without any hope that I watched the Wales England game last night. The Welsh team had lots of new and young players without much test experience and I fully expected Wales to lose, and to the 'old enemy' at that.

Imagine then my delight when Wales won! (20-9)

England played badly it has to be said but, for the first time in a while, there was freshness to the Welsh team. It's very much an experimental side and will take time to become fully formed - not likely before the World Cup! - so I'm still not expecting great things yet awhile. 

That said, hope springs eternal especially in the heart of a Welsh supporter. We've been here before.

* * * * *

I have written something on my Bucket List. More accurately I've begun a Bucket List. There are loads of places I'd like to see/do but I think a Bucket List needs to be attainable - or maybe not. Anyway.

No. 1 = walk behind a waterfall.

There's at least one such fall in Bannau Bryncheiniog (the Brecon Beacons as was) which isn't too far way so one day I'll get there. But I'll probably have to wait until Husband's foot is better/repaired.

Have I mentioned Husband's foot? 

About this time last year George trod on it and that's when it began to hurt. At first Husband put it down to bruising; when it got worse he sought an answer, provided by the hospital: gout.

It's been painful on and off ever since so another visit to the doctor who this time diagnosed bunion and mis-shapen feet. There doesn't seem to be a quick remedy so he might be relying on pain control for some time. There is an operation but:
a) he'll probably have to wait for three years at least (my guess considering the state of the NHS);
b) recovery is painful and slow.

Blogger is marking 'shapen' as not a word. It doesn't look quite right but I can't think how else to write it. I know, I'll check with Mr Chambers. Hang on. Ah, it should be misshapen. Good.

* * * * *
On eight out of the last nine days I've spent some time in Zac's. That's a record. But things are starting to take shape now and the chance of passing the Environmental Health kitchen check doesn't seem so impossible.


Marie Smith said...

Good news about Zac’s. I hope your husband can get some relief regarding his foot!

Anvilcloud said...

There seem to be a lot of world class sporting events going on right now. I am not even going to try to list them. Congrats to your young Welsh team.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Congrats to Wales on the big win! And foot pain is no joke; I wish your husband well. I've walked behind a waterfall -- at Niagara Falls. It's wet and scary as the water thunders over in front of you. But worth doing, so I hope you get to check it off your bucket list.

Boud said...

Odd how that bunion hurts. I have them on both feet, very misshapen big toes, no problem at all. I just get shoes with a good toe box and I'm able to walk daily. Now I'm wondering what causes pain?

Ann said...

I wonder if the England team also expected very little form the Wales team and were a bit overly confidant which made them play poorly.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all.
Boud, the doctor said it's made all the toes lean in to one another and push them out of sync. I don't know.