Thursday, August 03, 2023

A blue-arsed fly

My great-auntie Vi, she of the WI and the posh hats, used the phrase "running around like a blue-arsed fly." She also said something unrepeatable about where she could put a broom and sweep up as she went along too. I haven't gone that far but this last week the blue-bottomed fly description certainly fits.

It's been one of those weeks where everything fell together. Looking after grandchildren coincided with leading a bible study and thus having to spend some time preparing for it, and volunteering to cover an extra lunchtime shift because people were on holiday.

I had to leave Zac's early today because of other commitments but I just checked and it sounds like they had the busiest day ever with about ninety meals served. Just when we were short on volunteers too! Numbers are so erratic. We can have fewer than seventy guests and loads of food left over or Claire, the chef is having to magic up extra meals at the last minute. And there's no logic to it. We can't say, "Oh it's raining so we won't have many/we'll have loads." It just doesn't work like that. 

Anyway, things should get a bit calmer now. (Such optimism.)

Daughter and Daughter-in-law separately bought me sunflowers so I have this magnificent bouquet now.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, some weeks are like that, aren't they? What a gorgeous bouquet!

PipeTobacco said...

The sunflowers are very nice! I like the saying by your great aunt! :)


Ann said...

Odd that there is not pattern to how buys or slow you'll be.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your great aunt sounds like a very wise woman. What a nice surprise to receive double gifts of sunflowers and they are lovely and very cheerful.