Sunday, July 09, 2023

On the edge of my seat

I was about to write that I was on the edge of my seat when I noticed I was literally. Do I always sit like this? I don't know. I don't think so.

Anyway the reason I am figuratively on the edge of my seat is that I'm leading a Zac's meeting on the beach at lunchtime. Currently thunderstorms are forecast. But it's been a bright sunny morning so far. Until about now. When clouds are gathering. 

I'd planned - and have shopped for - a barbecue to follow the churchy bit hence the extra concern. I guess we can always adjourn to Zac's for the cooking if necessary. 

* * * * *

GrandDaughter1 came round yesterday and we did our usual of visiting Costa for our mango and passionfruit coolers, followed by McDonald's for her veggie dippers and fries and our McFlurrys. First McDonalds: no ice cream. 

I like my MyFlurrys so we tried another branch: no ice cream. The machine was broken. 

By now I was alternating between screaming, "I hate McDonald's," and saying, "I really want ice cream." GrandDaughter1 refuses to go in anywhere with me - she'll only do drive-throughs - so finding another ice cream parlour proved tricky. 

Wondering if there was a national computer glitch that had switched off all ice cream machines throughout the country I phoned the next McDonald's first. "Yes, we have ice cream."

They also had a big queue. 

By the time we got home we had been on the road for 75 minutes!

So then we settled down for a binge on Never Have I Ever on Netflix.

* * * * *

I am looking out of the window ever three minutes as if me checking on the sky will stop the clouds gathering.


Anvilcloud said...

You are very drown to McDonalds ice cream.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope your BBQ doesn't get rained out!

Boud said...

I remember that looking for a Dutchman's breeches, except that was after rain! I already read the the upshot, reading you in reverse order, but I won't post a spoiler.

Kathy G said...

The urge for ice cream can make people do strange things :-)

Chuck Pergiel said... will show you which mcdonalds ice cream machines are working or broken, at least here in the states. Broken is currently at 17.67%

Ann said...

Even around here I'm always hearing about McDonalds ice cream machines broken.
Hope the rain held off.