Tuesday, July 11, 2023

I'm not being funny but

The moment I hear those words I know the speaker is about to be bitchy. And that's what I'm going to do now. But not in a really nasty way I hope. 

In exercise this morning we were working in pairs. I was with a woman about my age. One in the pair had to do fifteen squats followed by four laps around the room while the other did a plank. Then when the four laps were completed we swapped over. And then repeat it all five times so we all did five planks etc.

My partner volunteered to do the plank first. I grimaced and asked if she were sure. "Yes, it's fine, I don't mind doing planks."

"Really? Okay."

Then I saw why she didn't object to planks. Hers was less a plank and more a hinge. An upside down V. Is that very mean of me? I was just relieved because I'd been thinking, "Is it only me who hates planks?"

I almost completed the first round of plank without crumpling. The second time I tried resting on my hands instead of elbows. Didn't do very well. The third time I went on my side and could do that as long as I rested on my other hand  - which should have been straight up in the air - but still didn't manage it non-stop. The fourth time we were given the option of holding a crunch, which was easier but I still collapsed before my partner finished her laps. We ran out of time then, thankfully.

I didn't look anything like this!


Boud said...

Very few of us can manage feats like the video taken by a niece, that Ellen posted recently of herself doing a freestanding headstand! Years of yoga will do that. She's in her 70s..

My tree pose is more like a shrub, really. But we do our best.

Liz Hinds said...

I have never been able to do a handstand! Well done Ellen.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't have the core muscles to manage doing a wood chip, let alone a plank.

Anonymous said...

Im in my 80th year now. But most of my acquaintances who did gymnastics or jogged a lot or ran marathons are dead already. What does that tell us?

Boud said...

It was a head stand! Firm as a rock.

Ann said...

I doubt I could do one of those any more.

Anvilcloud said...

This is NOT a typical seniors' exercise class. 😄