Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Flexible about fitness

Some new young people in exercise class this morning. In lycra. Always a bad sign. 

But I am reassured: they may be faster and fitter than me but I am far more flexible. It is surprising. 

* * * * *

The big news on Twitter this morning was the failure of Boris Johnson to produce his old mobile phone, the one that is likely to contain incriminating messages about the government's response to Covid. He didn't meet the deadline issued by the inquiry committee. 

The big news on the BBC is about an unnamed presenter about whom allegations have been made. There is no mention on the front page, or on the news page, of this latest breach of the law by Johnson.

I used to trust the BBC, believe in in its lack of bias, stand up for it even. It's getting increasingly hard to do that.

* * * * *

My Tuesday exercise is in Linden Church, which also houses a foodbank that collects over-stocked items from local shops. On Tuesday mornings there are often bunches of flowers that would otherwise be thrown away by M&S available to take for free.

The last two weeks I've taken bunches to give to the women who come to Zac's. They've been ridiculously grateful for this small gesture. I may grumble that Husband doesn't buy me flowers very frequently* but he does on occasion and so do others, so receiving flowers to me isn't such a huge thing. But it is to them so it's lovely to be able to do this.

I also brought some brown bananas home today so we'll be having banana bread tonight in Zac's giving the guys a change from the rhubarb cake that's been on the menu for the past few weeks. 

Today it's a choice of lilies, peonies or sunflowers.

*Husband often used to say, "I thought about buying you flowers . . ."


Boud said...

I used to have a fiance who would say I almost bought you a present. No, he did not graduate to husband.

About the current non story scandal produced by the Sun, it's a Murdoch produced fiction, part of his ongoing hate for the BBC.

I hold no brief for them, or any other racist, classist and sexist organization, but I think they're the injured party on that one.

As to not reporting on the crimes of Boris, he's a good old public school boy like them. It's not done!

Marie Smith said...

You often me a chuckle, Liz. Thank you!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Lovely that you give the flowers to women at Zac's. And banana bread -- yum!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That is certainly a wonderful thing to do, Liz, give away flowers that would otherwise be tossed out, to brighten someone else's day. Banana bread will most likely be enjoyed and appreciated at Zac's.

nick said...

Re the BBC, I think journalistic standards generally have declined. So many vague reports that such-and-such is trending or the economy is forecast to do so-and-so, without any accompanying evidence or facts and figures. Or obvious questions like why do interest rates have to be so high aren't posed or answered. Or wild allegations like the ones about the BBC presenter are repeated everywhere although the only source is the Sun.