Wednesday, July 19, 2023

For everybody else there's Facebook

I bought two birthday cards today and together they cost £6. I was shocked. I could be less fussy about the cards I send and buy cheap ones but on reflection I think, in future, I will only send cards to people to whom I am close and care about. For everyone else there's Facebook.

Birthday cards just signify that you thought about someone and on that principle I could scrawl happy birthday on a piece of paper and put it in the post. But then there's the cost of postage. Is it really worth it for someone you never see and you've more or less lost touch with?

So, on the basis of that decision, one of the cards I bought I'm not going to send. I'll save it for someone else.

I feel better already. I suppose I could start making my own for special people. I could do that in my spare time . . .

* * * * *

Just back from seeing GrandSon2 (and GrandSon3 in a lesser role) in the Leavers' Summer Play. They did The Lion King and they were all excellent. So proud of GrandSon2 as he can be quiet but he spoke well and loudly, and sang his little socks off. And as he's the one who's missed so much school over the last couple of years because of Long Covid, it was a particularly special time. 

GrandSon2 played Pumbaa, the farting warthog. GrandSon3 who's in a younger class was one of the backing singers. Daughter got us to the school so early we had front row seats and when GrandSon3 walked past me I didn't recognise him because he was wearing a mask.


Boud said...

About cards, I also reserve them for people who matter to me a lot. I've also been known to make my own.

Great review of the show!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Not only do cards now cost an arm and a leg, the selection of good cards is very slim these days. People largely don't send cards anymore and it's a struggling industry. I myself mainly send e-cards from the (British) Jacquie Lawson website.

And wow, who wouldn't LOVE playing a farting warthog. It's like a dream role for a kid, LOL!

Kathy G said...

I used to send cards to all of the extended family members. Originally the ones going to my nieces and nephews contained a check. When I discontinued that they got just a card before I realized their generation didn't care one way or the other.

Ann said...

I stopped buying cards a long time ago and only send hand made ones now.

Anvilcloud said...

We don’t send cards anymore although we give them to family on birthdays etc.

Cop Car said...

Greeting cards have had a good run, but they are so over. They've gone the way of the buggy whip.

Abby said...

Haven't sent a card in "forever", but did break that streak and sent one to my oldest brother back a few months ago. It was probably a rare sale for the store.

Pumbaa! Perfect!