Saturday, June 24, 2023

Then it got better

The sun came out and we celebrated our 45th wedding anniversary in Verdi's with family. And a paddle in the sea.

Unusually we arrived at Verdi's first and equally unusually there were plenty of tables. I grabbed two tables and gathered ten chairs around. I was about to sit down when a man and woman came hurrying up and the woman shouted, "That's our table!"
"Er, no, it's mine," I said indicating the chairs I'd arranged. 
"No, it's ours," the man insisted. "I left my glasses case on the table."
We all looked down at the table - which was empty.
"Staff must have moved them!" the woman said.
She had quite an aggressive manner so I gave up and took a table to the side instead. 

I hate any sort of conflict however minor, particularly when I feel wronged - they could just as easily have taken an alternative table - but my mood lifted when the family arrived. 

It happened that I was on a table with four children while all the grown-ups sat together. That was fine by me as I got to eat half of GrandDaughter2's ice cream as well as mine - toffee chip crunch since you're asking. Plus most of the grown-ups had boring cake and coffee instead of ice cream.


Boud said...

If wonder if the aggressive couple have digestive issues. I can't see them tucking happily into ice cream with the kids! Happy Annie, both.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

45 years! Yowza! Happy Anniversary!

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, both!

acorn hollow said...

happy Anniversary!! Not much for conflict either But there are times I would have been all in lol.
My family usually scatter if it happens which isn't often.

Marie Smith said...

Happy anniversary to you both!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy 🥂 Anniversary to you and your husband, Liz, and glad your day wasn't ruined by that rather rude couple. Glad it didn't ruin your celebration and extra ice cream always helps soothe ruffled feelings 😋. Thanks too for the blog visit and comment, much appreciated and always nice to welcome bloggers.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Forgot to ask...would it be OK if I added your blog to the blog list I keep on my blog sidebar. It helps me remember blogs to visit and also might encourage other bloggers to stop in for a visit.

CherryPie said...

Happy Anniversary to you both xx